Thursday, July 10, 2014


W  O  M  A  N  C  R  U  S  H  W  E  D  N  E  S  D  A  Y

This week's #wcw is Miss Marinna Hill, a good friend & colleague of mine.  Everyone will easily see why her electric personality and beauty made her a perfect candidate for my first #WCW blog interview. Elegantly standing at 5'10, this native Southern Californian gave me the humble opportunity to navigate through a little of her world.

FindFood: Introduce yourself in 3 words all beginning with the letter "M". 
MH: Hm, that's a very tough question. Sometimes I feel Marvelous. Mature. And the last one would be Marinna, something that's hard to describe.

FindFood: Oh, I like that!

FindFood: What is the tattoo on your finger?

MH: I actually have a several tattoos, but the one on my finger says "relentless". The ring finger for most people is something that your committed & dedicated to. Which is why I decided to put the word relentless. I wouldn't be where I am if I wasn't. If I gave up  and wasn't relentless constantly. Especially being a woman, it's very easy to have people step in and guide you or coach you, or just have that back-up. But, a lot of women don't have their own back. So, it's something where I look down everyday and I think, "Okay, your committed to yourself, put yourself first!"

FindFood: That's awesome, really cool! 

FindFood: You used to model in NY, what made you leave?

MH: To be honest modeling was just something to get me through school.

FindFood: College?

MH: Yeah, through college, so I was lucky enough to be 5'10 & extremely skinny. With school there wasn't a lot of time for eating, relaxing, and partying like everyone else. I started modeling in L.A. and was discovered, [swooped up] and began doing runway in New York.

FindFood: So, you went to school in New York too?

MH: I went to school in New York and I majored in medicine.

FindFood: Wow, that's really different!

MH: Yeah, and my minor was biology. By having both of those, I spent a lot of time in the lab. Modeling is something where you have to be really committed and I love fashion but, it wasn't what I was pursuing in life. My third year in New York is actually once I stopped.

FindFood: As you already know, I love food! This wouldn't be my type of interview if we didn't talk about it! What is your ultimate comfort food?

MH: I am a big fan of salty & crunchy. I have to say maybe chips & guacamole or chips & salsa. Something where it's like crunchy...

FindFood: And you can't stop!

MH: Yes! I love dips, hummus, guacamole, salsa whatever. Usually the ratio between chip to dip is like, 3:1 haha!

FindFood: Your parents are from Italy & Jamaica. How do you balance 2 very different cultures into your life style?

***Click Play to Hear Marinna's Answer***

FindFood: You had mentioned that you were studying medicine & biology so you were obviously headed toward a medical route. But, your are actually a restaurant manager. Describe your dream job.

MH: My dream job is actually very different. The reason why I started medicine was because I figured that your brain is something that can continuously sculpt and develop, and since I do love science, it was an area that I wanted to pursue. However, I am also very social and creative. There are 3 parts of my personality. I have a running joke that I tell. If I was paid to socialize my bank account would be overflowing! Which is nice because now, I'm in an industry where I AM paid to socialize. But, when I was deciding my career path I knew that I wanted to be a creative director for fashion shows. It is interesting because I'm using skills that I had developed at a young age now. For example, I love to be behind the scenes. Fashion is something I was always drawn towards, although I didn't want to be in front of the camera. I didn't really love it. My true dream job would be to design runways and produce fashion shows.

FindFood: That's so interesting because that's not a typical job in that industry, since like you mentioned, it's not highlighted, more behind the scenes. Awesome!

FindFood: So you wouldn't be FF's woman crush this week if we didn't honestly feel that you have great looks as well as personality. What is your go to beauty secret?

MH: Okay, usually 2 things is a hair tie and chap-stick.

FindFood: Basics, I love it!

MH: Exactly, just the basics! If I've slept at someone's house or something. The next morning I'll wash my face, pull my hair back in a tight ballet bun, and smooth lips always make you look refreshed. My best secret though, is that I'll usually put a little [chapstick] on the high parts of my cheeks, to get a little bit of shimmer, if I don't have bronzer. It gives a kind of dewy look to my face. That's it!

FindFood: I will be using that trick, F.Y.I.!

FindFoodIf I could share a meal with anyone it would be ________.

MH: Wow, that's a great question! I know it sounds kind of strange but it would probably be Tyra Banks. There's something about her that people don't usually know. They twee her as a model turned business woman and this and that. Which I identify with because she was always judged as only being about this or that. But she has a degree from Harvard and a lot of people don't know that about her. I just find it interesting that someone who has so many things going on finds time in their day for the little things in life. The same goes for me, like I love spending time with friends I love having me time. But how do you have me time when were, you know, at that scale. I would end up just picking her brain and figuring out how to steer yourself in that direction. Not to mention she loves fashion, and she's funny so.

FindFood: Nice, it would be a good meal for sure.

FindFood: Since moving to the Middle East, what do you think is the most important thing you've learned so far?

MH: Definitely, to never give up! Getting things done here, communication, everything really, takes triple the amount of effort. For me, I'm very relaxed and laid back so I learn that if you settle for things, they will never happen here. This relocation has made me more organized, to ask more questions, and to be more through. Because you can't assume ANYTHING! Anything that you know from before doesn't apply on this side of the world. Even in other countries you usually can make some sort of a connection, but here it's like night and day, polar opposites! It has taught me to take a lot of notes, and to ask plenty of questions because you learn quickly that if you don't, you will end up having the same conversation 4 or 5 times!

FindFood: Yes, haha! Your so right, it has also made me a much more through person.

Find Good Food, Find Good People

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