Wednesday, July 16, 2014

δέκα (déka)

When it comes to outfit and hair choices in a professional restaurant, I'll be honest and say that it's not  always easy. I'm constantly asking myself if I should tone it down, no necklace, maybe without the earrings, is this Middle East too short or too short for work in general? Is my hair too big today? Will it attract unwanted attention? Usually I end up doing some sort of bun, it keeps my curls intact while protecting the ends while achieving a work appropriate style.

A few months ago I bought this cute headband from H&M (3KD =approx. $10 USD) and created  a simple yet refreshing look. My hair is a big deal to me being that it's naturally a 4c texture, has a mind of it's own and is very needy when it comes to maintenance. For those who struggle with keeping a profession yet "non-Grandma" look, while having your hair up or down, beaded or glamorous head bands are definitely worth having among your accessories.

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